we are cool!
i am so sick of this ride.
i know we are right before the 2nd drop by looking at this picture.
last minute outing
needed a 4th person for the
theme park even-number rule
so they
six flags magic mountain with a few of the boys which was super fun
but I think that my thirst for theme parks will be quenched for a while.
went on every ride [that mattered] minus colossus and ninja
goliath x 6? [for the boys, like 9, dunno], superman the escape x 5, viper x 3, Log Jammer x 2
roaring rapids x 5 ["we're not getting off until david gets wet"] which resulted in strange looks from lady checking boats and shivering and soggy socks for 3 hours on a 65 degree day. thank god for dryer rides like superman but doesn't really help with booted legs.
only went 5 times because the lines were so long on a wednesday afternoon gosh.
took pictures on goliath. saw
but won't do it again for a while because
I am exhausted.
and I still have homework.