Thursday, January 29, 2009


yo. does it really take 3 weeks for film to develop.

and I found out that Ithaca has a dark room sooo... :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I haven't posted in forever.

Winter Break was all chill. Flew a lot.

Had all good california shit. None of that NY shit. lol I pretty much did nothing all day except go to Alex's house and do stupid (but cute) white people traditions(?) and little things hahaha. Oh and hang out with Chris. And once or twice marin.

Christmas was nice. :) Alex gavers me a DIANA F+ camera.
I'll a have a few pics up if they turn out good. I dunno about lighting and stuff yet. Owell, this camera is for experimenting with (albeit a bit of an expensive hobby).

Yeah hung out on Christmas with everyone. Went to Oliver's preparty don't remember cuz I was kinda fucked up along with a lot of other people but still "SOBER". Slept over.

HAHA. Neel.

New Years was fun too. Anti-climatic. Played with Alex's sister and her bf oh yeah and alex whatever. Watched times square. Then we got in the car and went to riteaide for ice cream except they didnt have cookies and cream wtf. Then spent the rest of that night eating leftover pasta and chippy chips and watching south park and stuff. lol. so sad.

Had Pho with the girls. First time having pho since before summer lol so amazing.

THEN I left and I was sad. Uh. And Ithaca sucks. So cold. Boohoo.