Saturday, May 31, 2008

1234 tell me that you love me more

It was the last day. I'm going to put as much in as I can. Pictures soon.
It didn't hit me as hard but that was expected. I still feel "it" coming.
As in, the crying. It could happen. For once. It's never happened for me. Only almost once but only Skava knows about that.
Especially in Journalism. My freshman! I'm going to miss everyone.
My blogger stalker too.
"Keep that quote. It's important and it's real, unlike the rest of the quotes in this book." - marin

It's sad because there are those people who are your friends but they aren't super close.
Those are the friends that you lose touch with first.
And it just pretty much sucks.

Spent the day and night hanging out those girls that I am embarrassed to admit are my friends but they are.
Corner Bakery with Skava.
Fell asleep early [in the morning]. Skava's impossible story.
References to prom. Herry the unicorn. Mars-men. Mister G the dragon. Pirates. Pretty much the whole shebang...
Me giving up money for love.
Makes no sense-- because that would never happen! Tell me why that would happen?
"well that's what happened in your huyson story." - nancy
:) $ > <3 style="font-style: italic;">

Good Mornin' - Kanye
Strange text from gauthier and marin that weren't noticed until too late.
How did they know me and j.yang were together? We're not joined at the hip that much...?
"Lucky guess" - alex. Bullshit. Hahahaha.
Made breakfast. Brought home the bacon... and OJ and blueberry "muffi"s from Albertsons.
I'm not paying that much money at H-mart for 'american' food.
Chilled in skava's room to music. Feist. 1234.

A call from Oliver, now. "I'm bored." but I was like dude, let's talk online. No signal at home for my cell.
Online, "wtf, I thought you had something planned." "nope."
so I guess we're brawling.

I am excited but at the same time, I'm really going to miss everyone.
"There are things you probably shouldn't do, but I think you should still do them." - Mr. Moran

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Indiana Jones was a semi-scary disappointment.
Did I ever tell you that I cried on the E.T. ride when I was little?
40 minutes into the movie and I was like, damn, it's coming.
Crystal Skull was epic in the sense that it was totally ridiculously hilarious.
but doesn't take away from the fact that it was a disappointment.
George of the Jungle scene ftl.
or ftw... your call.

so "canada crew" [which includes, by the way, a walking wikipedia article] just went back to gauthier's house and watched the 3rd movie and smashed a bit.
which semi-made up for the 4th one.
sort of.

wolf, ftw.
don't even. :)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

promenade. prom. promotion.

yay! :)
low expectations make everything better. jayyykayyy. bad music choices. Lame bassist. 3 hour picture wait. weak limo. But, it's was really fun ...And that's all that matters. yay! wild artichoke looked so bad from the outside but it was tasty.
there was a party in my tummy.

j.yang is a liar and keeps avoiding the truth. i guess she can't carry my train when I get married.
and when I say marriage, I mean not to her [even if it is legal in CA] because we are not compatible.
...according to horoscopes.

lately i have not been hungry at all.
didn't eat too much prom dinner and breakfast, lunch, or dinner the next day.
just half a sandwich...
maybe I'm dying.
knock on wood.
maybe it's the weinerschnitzel's.
orr not.

"if my tie and sagar's tie had sex, it would make a tie that matches your dress"

canadia soon.
but I don't know what we're doing.

2GROW: dude karen
cHiiRiOz: ?
D RINKMILK2GROW: your hair yesterday
RiOz: ?
2GROW: reminded me of the ghetto prom thing
2GROW: the helicopter hair

that and ratatat - remixes vol. II make up for next-day minor escolar symptoms.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


canadia with
skav + gauthierr + canada.

it's obvious that i understand french.
omg silent r's
reminds me of the good-old-days
with olivier.
the white asian.
the good days.

reminiscing is part of the fact that there's less than 2 weeks left.

oh yeah pre-prom and prom

Ô Canada!
Terre de nos aïeux,
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,

Saturday, May 10, 2008

nothing at full price

Went shopping with them girlies on Friday.
..then with s.choi today-- got a lot accomplished.
3 dresses.

mm bacon-wrapped hotdogs for two days.
Yeah, I do what I can to stay fit for prom.
I had low-fat water in lieu of soda or high-sugar juice.
I am great.

do you know what that means?

sigh. 10. sucks for the boys. dammit.

Monday, May 5, 2008

is this because of stress week?

whoa! I'm first! [?] though I thought we mutually agreed to drop and ignore it ever happening.
but for most of it, I was like, I don't remember... it was too long ago
in the horizon
I can see it
but it's so distant that
I'm not sure.

you know,
something like from dragonforce:
Fly across the high seas and mountains
Rise above the golden horizon

Far away beyond the gates of space and time

Through the wastelands forever and on!!!
Still we fight on for our freedom!!
The cry of the fallen souls bleeding!

Forever journey through the lands of ice and snow!

Will we face all the fears of the world?

The cry of the brave!!!!!!

Since the time we saw the sign

Destruction of your feeble mind

Centuries have come and gone but nothing's changed

Hopes and dreams have disappeared!!

Destruction of your kind is near!!!1

Trapped inside your suffering eternal flame!!!!!!!!!111

--dragonforce - cry of the brave

wow. it's so epic! hahaha i love dragonforce. they are hilarious.
I've been listening to them all weekend long. herman li. learn 2 play guitar.
note: i added exclamation points for AWESOME emphasis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also that video is awesome.
sex. ...Or at least, for loliver. and chari[charing in the sun-- good one herry!].-- wait not anymore? darn. [insert hour long song called, through the fire and flames]

I'm pretty good at being oblivious to things if no one's noticed yet.

oh how I am enjoying the less than one month's worth of days until summer and college!
that is, if i don't get my acceptance rescinded. crap!

prom is overrated. too much drama. too many decisions. too much to sort out. too many heartbreaks. right ahhmz? [with a z!] let's just hangout. i just want to go stag.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


---enter here, a long week of exciting drama---
